TTP Operation for Above Water Lights

Full-color Lumitec spectrum above water lights will always turn on in white. To change the output color or output mode of a light, briefly toggle the light OFF, then immediately back ON. The light will then turn red for a few seconds, followed by a color cycle. There are two durations of the color cycle; the first will last 15 seconds, followed by a 3-minute cycle, after which the 3-minute cycle will repeat. To select a color, wait until the desired color is reached within the color cycle, then toggle the switch “Off/On” quickly to lock in that color. Turning the light off for more than 4 seconds with reset to the default cycle.

Most Lumitec above-water lights are dimmable. To dim the light first turn the light on, and you will notice the light will ramp up in intensity over a period of about 4 seconds. A brief “Off/On” toggle of the switch during the ramp phase will interrupt the ramp-up cycle and hold the light at that intensity. If the light is already on at full intensity then simply switch it off and repeat.